; Lines starting with semicolons (;) are comments and will not affect display ; ; There are three sections in this file [menus], [brand] and [media] ; ; Each section contains a list of equal-sign (=) separated values ; ; The first value is the "tag name" as defined on the Cargo Project page ; the first value must match the Cargo project tag exactly ; ; The second value is the "Label" to display for that menu item ; the second value can be whatever you want to show up on the menu ; ; ========= tag ============= label ==================== ; Example: nwna = Nestle Water North America ; Example: nestle water = Nestle Water ; ; The [menus] section is for the main menu labels, that toggles between the others ; Please do NOT change the "tag name" part of the [menus] section ; feel free to change the "label" part of the [menus] section ; ; Formatting these lists with tabbed indentation is optional, any whitespace works ; Likewise, you can have line break whitespace between section items if you want ; SECTIONS: ; Resume/About me page ; References page -- LinkedIn references ; Contact address block ; Contact form page ; ; How to manage awards? ; ; Nestle holiday photo contest ; Gerber direct mail campaign ; [menus] brand = Brand media = Media Type [brand] breyers = Breyers ; -- nominated for awards, waiting to hear ; website ; game -- wordalicious ; promotions -- wheel game, sundae scoop off ; banners ; emails skintimate = Skintimate ; 2011 - website & banners Skintimate Studios ; 2010 - website & banners Skintimate Studios -- winner of 3 awards dewars = Dewar's ; CRM website - Thinkers & Dewars -- finalist in the OMMA awards ; Mobile App - itouch energizer = Energizer : Emails playtex infant = Playtex Infant ; Newsletters ; Website Updates playtex = Playtex ; Tampons Site/Sweeps Promo and Facebook Apps wet ones = Wet Ones ; website & email -- Healthy Hands Zone with Bill Nye hawaiian tropic = Hawaiian Tropic ; Site/Sweeps Promo -- not sure if I sent this to you dove = Dove ; CRM / Dove Dimensions -- old samples from freshgrok robitussin = Robitussin ; Reliefology (App) ; CRM - Emails ; Mobile Game - Liquidator gerber = Gerber ; print Ads -- old and new nestle waters = Nestle Waters ; -- all the old stuff from freshgrok endless vacation = Endless Vacation ; online magazine -- all the old samples from freshgrok ; -- any brands / other old stuff from freshgrok that you feel is worthy? [media] websites = Websites ; Breyers ; Skintimate Studios ; Thinkers & Dewars ; Hawaiian Tropic ; Wet Ones crm emails = CRM/Emails ; Thinkers & Dewars ; Playtex Infant ; Dove Dimensions banners = Banners ; Skintimate ; Breyers social media = Social - Facebook ; Playtex - Mosaic ; Breyers - Wordalicious ; Skintimate mobile = Mobile ; itouch for Thinkers & Dewars ; game for Robitussin print ads = Print Ads ; Gerber ; Raspberry Rain ; Playtex Stickers ; Post-It Notes ; Other Playtex ads misc = Miscellaneous ; style guides ; presentations ; pitches